Monday, November 19, 2018


How to print num2text in arabic version

There are few below steps you need to follow.

1) Open your terminal.

2) If you already install git library than it would be good if not than first install git library.

3) Clone this link using your terminal (Just copy past below link).
git clone
4) Install another python library bidi
 sudo apt-get install bidi
5) Once successfully installed python-bidi you need to again install rashaper lib.
sudo apt-get install git+

Now you have well enough library to print number to text as Arabic.

Here below few lines you need to copy past in your python file save it and run it.

1) Create new python file as

2) Past below command in your file and save it

from bidi.algorithm import get_display
import arabic_reshaper
from num2words import num2words
print get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(num2words(550,lang='ar')))
print get_display(arabic_reshaper.reshape(num2words(100125,lang='ar')))

3) Run this file and you will get below output.

خمسمائة وخمسون
مائة ألف ومائة وخمسة وعشرون

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