Sunday, September 11, 2022

Setup Odoo V15 in Windows 10 with easy steps

How to install Odoo Version 15 in Windows 10 Operating System.

In this blog you are going to see how to setup Odoo version 15 in windows 10 os with easy way.

There are few steps you need to follow nothing else you need.

You need internet connection to download some applications as give in below detail.

1) First you need to download Python application Click Here.

2) Download get-pip python file. Click Here.

3) Download PostgreSQL Click here.

4) Download any of below editor.




5) Install git application Click here.

Now you have don't need to download anything your self only python packages.

1) Now try to install Python.

2) Once you install python open command prompt and type 

=> python

3) You can auto login in python terminal and exit command.

=> exit()

4) Now try to install pip lib in terminal 

=> python install

5) Create new Python virtual environment.

=> python -m -venv yourVEnvName

=> python -m venv odoov15env

6) Try to install git application.

7) Try to clone Odoo V15 in your specific path.

=> git clone --single-branch --depth=1 -b 15.0

8) Active virtual environment.

=> odoov15env/Script/activation

9) Install PostgreSQL application.

10) Add password 123 for database as well as pgadmin4.

11) Create odoo as super owner.

12) execute below command.

=> python -m pip install wheel

=> python -m pip install wheel --upgrade

13) Go to odoo directory and install packages from requirements.txt

=> python -m pip install -r requitements.txt

14) In case you encounter any error during above step format. Try to find last command which having issue and remove from requirement.txt and execute the step 12 command.

15) Run odoo service as below.

16) python odoo-bin -r odoo -w 123

17) If you encounter any error try to resolve.

18) Once done try to open browser and execute below code.

=> localhost:8069

19) Try to create new database.

In case you need help please follow below video.